Transnational Project Meeting
Sofia, Bulgaria
23 - 24 March 2023
During the 23rd and 24th of March 2023, from Young Effect, we had the pleasure to join our 4 partners for the Transnational Project Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, about our Young Community Organisers Erasmus+ KA2 Project.
During these days our agenda included the evaluation of the first year of the project were we already implemented the first two training courses about Community Organisers and Coaching Tools for Youth Workers in Italy and Romania, respectively. Together with our partners from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Spain, we discussed and organized the intellectual outputs that this Key Action 2 is producing and how we are going to share these materials with the youth workers of our communities.
We also had the chance to plan our next training course at the end of the summer that will take place in Istanbul, where we will meet all of the youth workers that are taking part of this journey and check how they have been implementing their action plans in their communities during these months. The goal of these training courses is to share the tools and methods to youth workers in order from them to develop actions plans that look forward to identifying young leaders inside the communities to solve issues on their own. All of these through coaching tools, methods to identify the necessary skills in a leader and empowerment of young people.
In these days we had the pleasure to meet with the leaders of the student community of the University of Sofia and some of their outstanding professors. They shared with us their work in the student council of their faculty and their motivation in order to represent the students of their university, we exchanged ideas and future plans towards building a stronger community. The leaders of the student council shared with us their role working as intermediaries between the university and the students and the importance of having strong leaders among the community of students and how they reflect on the university.