TC The Rule of Artichoke
09 October - 16 October 2024
Castelletto di Cuggiono (MILANO) - Italy
Hosting organization: APS Young Effect
From 09-16 October 2024 in Castelletto di Cuggiono, Milan, Italy
Summary of the project: The Rule of Artichoke is an immersive training course focused on community organizing and building grassroots support. Get ready to roll up your sleeves—this training is intensive, but in the best way possible. It’s designed to challenge you, inspire you, and ultimately empower you. It’s about finding like-minded individuals around you to form a passionate, common cause, and learning to set aside traditional company politics to play by a new set of rules. Remember, "When democracy no longer feels the need to defend itself, that will be the day democracy ends." Furthermore, this project aims to foster community organizing competences for youth workers across Europe, by promoting community development and building on community leadership. Reflecting the E+ priorities: "more cohesive and inclusive societies which allow citizens to play an active role in democratic life" and "development of social capital among young people, the empowerment of young people and their ability to participate actively in society", and the purpose of the mobility of youth workers Key Action 1, is precisely that of empowering youth workers active both locally and at European level to become community organizers skilled at community development and building power.
Participating countries: Erasmus+ Programme countries. We are looking for participants from Croatia, Spain, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, France, Bulgaria and Czechia.
Accomodation: La Scala di Giacobbe guest house. 3-4 people per room with same gender. (no single rooms available)
Target group: Youth workers, youth leaders and social workers, either voluntary or employed staff at partner organisations who are ready to engage in the development and support of their local communities. 2-3 participants per country, 20-35 years old.
Financial conditions: Training course will be implemented in the framework of EU “ERASMUS+” Programme. The accommodation and food will be covered fully.
Travel reimbursement: Only the most economical tickets will be approved.
Food special conditions: Food will be prepared by our volunteers and will be the same for all the participants. Therefore we cannot guarantee specific dietary differentiation with the exception of vegetarian food and not pork.
Selection will be realized by project partner so after you will submit your application we will give your info to the project partners for the selection.
The infopack contain sensitive datas therefore we will send it only to the selected participants.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.