Youth Exchange
Lord of the Green
19 - 27 April 2024
Castelletto di Cuggiono (Milan), Italy
Host Organization: APS Young Effect Magenta
Dates: 19 - 27 april 2024 (19 and 27 are travel days)
About the project:
According to the United Nations Environmental Program, the Mediterranean region is warming 20% faster than the global average. With over 510 million people residing in this area, this warming trend could lead to a doubling or even tripling of water demand by 2050. If global warming reaches 2°C, precipitation in Southern Europe could decrease by up to 30%. This underscores the need to raise awareness among communities facing the climate crisis about the impact of individual actions and the importance of social solidarity. Recognizing the heightened risk of natural disasters, particularly in coastal regions susceptible to floods, erosion, and the salinization of vital water sources, it becomes crucial to prepare future generations and mitigate potential impacts. As project coordinators, we've observed that only 64% of young people aged 15 to 25 in the EU have taken steps to address the climate crisis. Many express commitment but lack clarity on effective engagement methods and fail to grasp the significant impact of their behaviors.
Age: 18-30 (4 participants + 1 leader without age limit)
Candidates: SPANISH, ROMANIAN AND BULGARIAN PARTICIPANTS. Volunteers, youth workers...
Travel: Milan, Italy (Final destination Castelletto di Cuggiono)
Accommodation: Guesthouse. Participants will share rooms with participants of the same gender.
Necessary documents: identity card
Cost: Reimbursement of the travel 100% (Maximum 275€) beyond this amount the remainder is the responsibility of the participant. Please make sure of the availability of flights and their cost before applying.
Food, lodging and activities are included in the European funding and therefore not the responsibility of the participant.
Participation in ERASMUS+ trainings and exchanges is multiple and with no limit on participation in other ERASMUS+ projects. The ERASMUS+ program is free for any young person regardless of whether he/she is a student, worker, unemployed, etc. Participation is free to any nationality of the participant as long as they have Italian documents or residence permit. Participants' departures must be exclusively from Italian soil unless otherwise agreed with the foreign organization.
Selection: Fill out the form at this link:
There is no deadline for application, places are awarded based on the motivation and formal suitability of the applicant, the earlier the applicant applies the earlier he/she is selected until all places are filled.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to respond to all applications, so only those selected will be contacted, usually within a week after the call is published.
The infopack contains sensitive data and is not made public, which is why it is sent only to selected people.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.